Monday, September 22, 2014

Cat Pee, a Hard Fall, and A Great Sunrise Long Run

This was a pretty good training week, in spite of a cat pee incident, a fall, and being short one short run. Since my Tuesday was booked from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., I decided to do my short runs on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Friday, I was sore from falling on Thursday, so under the advice of my PT. I skipped that run.

On Wednesdays I usually try to meet my running group, Sole Sisters. I got off work a little early, went to the allergist for an injection, and decided to change into my running clothes in the restroom. I got completely naked, then got out my running clothes only to discover my bra was wet. And then the smell hit me. Cat pee!!! On my $60 Victoria's Secret bra. (I really love Victoria's Secret Knockout bras and bought four of them a couple months ago. I'm feeling frustrated because I'm losing weight in my breasts and am going to need new bras soon.)

I came home and ran three miles by myself here.

Thursday, I needed to do five, so I headed to Farmdale Park, my favorite place to run. My pace was a little faster than I normally run on trails, and I was feeling great. Then at about mile 5 I fell hard. I tripped and flew forward and hit the left side of my head pretty hard. I tried to catch myself with that arm and jarred my head, neck, and shoulder. The scariest part was my glasses flying off my face. It is a terrifying feeling when you can't see to find your glasses, even if it is in your own bedroom. Luckily, I found them, and they were fine, and I was fine. 

Friday I had physical therapy and planned to run three miles after. My shoulder and arm were too sore to do some of my PT exercises, and my therapist recommended skipping my run. I was fine with that. I headed back to Farmdale Saturday morning for my ten mile run. 

This was the hardest run I've done yet. It was harder than both of my half-marathons I've done. Running on trails is more exerting I guess than on roads. I really felt accomplished, and I've registered for a half-marathon there in a few weeks. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Marathon Training For Realz

OK, I finally feel like I am consistent enough with running and raising my mileage enough to feel like I'm doing something different than my normal routine. I'm really marathon training, and it is exciting!

This week, Monday was a rest day. My Tuesday run was approximately 3 miles. I ran inside on a track for 30 minutes because it was raining hard. Wednesday, I did four miles.

Thursday I did 3 with taped knees. I think the tape helped and want to try it again.

Friday was a rest day. Saturday I did 9.

I know that says 9.69, but here's the thing. Either Map My Run or my phone makes the Map My Run distance off. It always overestimates my mileage, so I try to add a little more.

Today is Sunday and I did the Stairmaster for cross-training.

I'm feeling great and ready to start next week's training with a day of rest tomorrow. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Five Miles at Farmdale

Today was a perfect day for a run at Farmdale Park.

I LOVE this place that is 5 minutes from my house, with miles and miles of trails. It is a beautiful place to run. I've gotten very lost here before (several times), so I am trying to get some miles under my belt and use the map to feel more comfortable running here. My pace on trails is pretty slow, but I am OK with that. There's so much to look at, I don't want to feel rushed anyway. This pace really wasn't bad, especially considering I stopped to look at the map and take some pictures. I'm only racing myself and the mosquitoes.

I started in the direction of the dam. You get to run across the top of a long dam. 

I stopped here to make a shadow shaka sign.

Then shortly I am to one of my favorite spots, a cluster of pines that smell amazing. I like the feel of footfalls on pine needles. 

Nine months ago my town was hit with a tornado. It's sad to see tornado debris by the trail.

And some trees that are sheared off by the tornado.

Then I come to my favorite thing in the park...the blue Chevy.

It took my friend, Jennifer, and I forever to find this, looking on multiple occasions. This is the first time I've gone to this spot by myself. 

It's so beautiful and peaceful here, and the weather was gorgeous today. 

There's also a cool creek. Depending on the route, you may cross it several times. You have to get your feet wet, literally. Today, it was just once at the end of my route. A fun ending to a perfect run.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Beautiful Day for a Hike and a Walk

Technically, I was supposed to run 5 miles today and cross-train tomorrow, but I am just switching those days. It was a gorgeous day today. I went for a three-mile hike with my best friend, Jennifer. Later my husband and I took Grandma and our dog to the park.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A Little Bit Rough, but still moving forward

Hmm. So, I have already been struggling to get my miles in, and I haven't even had any really long runs yet. I've started a full-time internship at the same time I started marathon training, and I've had a couple days of not feeling well, and there has even been lightning deterring me from runs. I have only missed one altogether though, and this week I am one run behind, but will make it up tomorrow. So all and all, I think I will be fine.

Tonight I didn't feel well, and it was pretty muggy, but I ran.

The good news is, I felt like I was probably running a 12 minute mile the whole time (which would have been fine), so I was surprised to see that I ran about my normal pace. 

I also got a new physical therapy toy today called a Voodoo Band. 

I don't know a lot about it yet. I'll do some research and write a post about it at some point.